Last Saturday, 10th February Lewes Constituency Labour Party joined 7 Lewes bands, 6 Lewes sports clubs , 3 Lewes book groups, 3 Lewes faith groups, 3 Lewes political, parties, 2 Lewes bonfire societies, 2 Lewes choirs, 1 Lewes climate hub, 1 squad of Lewes yoga instructors, 1 Lewes gym, 1 Lewes Rotary club, 1 Lewes clinic, 1 Lewes cinema , 1 Ringmer Guides group, 1 convoy of Lewes cyclists, 1 photographer and tens of individual volunteers who together collected, picked up and delivered….
8073 food items and household goods!!
Up from last Februrary, 8048, in turn up from 2022 February 7752. Plus with tinned meat running out late afternoon in all three supermarkets we’re joining a trolley dash for tinned meat on Wednesday with some money put aside.
If you pop a donation yourself into the in-store collection at a supermarket please always consider tinned meat, it’s the one item more than anything the food banks are the most short of.
And here’s what we helped collect:
1157 tins fish
788 tins meat, 753 tins baked beans
436 tins and packets soup
374 jars pasta sauce, 371 tins tomatoes, 340 packs pasta, 318 packs cereal, 315 tins spaghetti, 303 cartons children’s fruit juices
284 packs sweet biscuits, 266 bags of sweets and chocolate bars, 259 tins peas, 233 tins carrots, 202 tins assorted fruit
185 multipacks crisps, 168 assorted tins vegetables, 155 packs rice, 149 tins sweetcorn, 137 packs cheese biscuits and savoury spreads ,116 tins potatoes
88 pots noodles, 72 packs tea bags ,
43 cartons long life milk , 31 jars instant coffee, 28 jars hot chocolate, 25 pizzas, 24 tins rice pudding, 20 packs eggs, 18 bags fresh fruit, 17 bottles stir-fry sauce, 12 toothbrushes, 11 packs cheese , 11 packs noodles, 10 jars peanut butter
8 tins custard, 8 pints fresh milk, 8 assorted toiletry items, 8 cartons yoghurt, 7 tubes toothpaste, 7 jars jam, 5 assorted household cleaning products, 4 tins ratatouille, 4 tins macaroni, 4 packs lentils, 4 packets fajita spice mix , 4 jars chocolate spread, 3 packs pancake mix, 3 packs instant mashed potato . 3 packets couscous, 3 jars curry sauce, 2 bottles sunflower oil, 2 assorted puddings, 2 packs of toilet paper, 2 jars baby food, 2 cakes, 2 tins mushrooms, 2 feminine sanitary products ,1 pack dried apricots, 1 tin cat food, 1 packet flour, 1 jar honey, 1 bottle lemon juice, 1 bottle tomato ketchup, 1 tube tomato puree , 1 jar marmite, 1 bottle mayonnaise , 1 packet nuts, 1 bottle olive oil , 1 pack peanuts , 1 ready meal, 1 packet sugar, 1 pack raisins,1 tin dog food and 1 packet breadsticks
Delivered to the three Lewes Food banks, Fitzjohns, Landport, Malliing, Lewes Community Fridge and Ringmer Village Food bank.
Written by Mark Perryman, Lewes CLP organiser
Quote from Ros, a Labour Team member at ALDI from 9.00-10.00
“I always enjoy these food bank sessions because I get to engage with generous local people. And it’s amazing what people donate. I vividly remember a man with 2 kids who told me he wasn’t earning at present – he was self-employed and had been off work with Covid for a few weeks. When he came out he donated 6 cans! He made my day and you don’t forget that kind of generosity.”